Artist Statement

Fancine Brady- Figurative and Contemporary Art- Baltimore and Frederick MDMy favorite ways of making art are painting with acrylics and drawing with pencil. They give me such freedom! My imagery is figurative and narrative. I love seeing the stories evolve!

I generally start a piece without any preconceived ideas and put down random marks until images appear. That’s the fun part! There are ideas in my head that I’m not conscious of but come out and develop in the process.  Then the hard work begins. I use those images as a jumping-off point and typically make many additions and deletions, creating many layers. This is very labor intensive, a big puzzle. I have truly painted myself into a corner. The joy of the process is working my way out of that corner, hopefully with a successful piece in the end .

I like to keep the mystery in my imagery by not revealing too much, but instead, invite you, the viewers,  to come to your own conclusions about the stories being told.


I’ve never known or seen another painter with your particular sensibility, which might be described as a mix of whimsy and nostalgia and humor and also deep, dark things; grace and beauty and adeptness that never falls into overpolish; delicacy and strength.

– Maryland-based artist and teacher Sarah Abel DeLuca